From Saturday 22nd December until Sunday 6th January it is a must to discover Treviso with its lighted party channels, gluttonous appointments and elegant “enchanted” streets that come alive with shows for young and old.
1_ You can not give up the “Christmas Legend 2018-Mini Cuccioli” on December 22nd and 23rd. A magical journey through the squares and streets of Treviso with departure and grand finale in Piazza dei Signori, we will go all together in the streets and squares of Treviso, a perfect path for the children and at the end a prize for all !
2_Explore the Park of Talking Trees
Visiting the Talking Tree Park is a fascinating experience for the whole family! Olly, the cat, Cylinder, the bunny, the little dog, Diva, the young duck, the Naughty chick and lots of cute characters will welcome you and the fun is guaranteed.
3_La Giostra a Cavalli; the traditional horse-drawn carousel in Piazza dei Signori. Princesses and Knights, you can not miss a ride on the carousel that accompanies Christmas in Treviso.
4_It’s a snack time !!! A fabulous hot chocolate in Treviso
After all the hard work it takes a nice and good hot chocolate; from Nascimben pastry and from Camelia Bakery for Christmas cookies.
5_Village of Christmas Treviso ON ICE, skating rink.
How to give up a fun ice skating! Every day in Piazza Borsa. Open all day.
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